I was thinking about why we do what we do here at Prime so I wrote down some thoughts. Just wanted to share. If you have any thoughts in response I’d love to hear (or read) them.
“At Prime Fitness Clarksville, we understand that people’s quality of life may be limited by the way they look, how they feel, and what they are able to do. Our mission is to help people win back their health so that they may experience a life of freedom, strength, and joy.”
That’s our current official mission statement, but while typing that out I saw something I want to add. Mobility.
Win back their health and mobility.
I guess many may read that as its cousin, flexibility, but what I mean is the ability to be mobile. That being joint mobility yes, but also on the macro scale the ability to MOVE.
Health AND mobility.
Health as in, nothing to worry about internally or relating to doctors and specialists or metabolic diseases and scary stuff as we age. And mobility as in, the ability to move in the ways that we want to, not limited by stiffness or strength (lack of) or endurance or confidence that we can make it.
This is our WHY. To help people live. Really live! Lives they love to live. This is encompassed by freedom, strength, and joy.
We want anyone interacting with Prime Fitness to have some sense that there is Joy living in our facility, our staff, and our long-time members (new ones will get there if they aren’t yet 🙂 ).
Strength. There is a confidence that comes with being strong. The beautiful thing about strength though is that it can look different on everyone. There is physical strength of course, but also mental and emotional strength. All are involved and trained when training at Prime.
And finally, Freedom. Freedom is what comes from being healthy, mobile, strong, and filled with Joy. We want this for everyone. Freedom is to have the tools and the team to help you be and remain unshackled by your physical abilities. Of course we will all always have physical limitations, but to be as free as we are able in this life is our aim for our members.
I hope for all of that and more for you who are reading this.
– Charlie